Sunday, November 23, 2008

RBot.GRU Spyware

How To Remove RBot.GRU?
You must download trial version of "Exterminate-It" antivirus software,to check your computer instantly.
RBot.GRU is dangerous virus:
Spyware can even change computer settings, resulting in slow connection speeds,
different home pages, and loss of Internet or other programs.
In an attempt to increase the understanding of spyware, a more formal classification
of its included software types is captured under the term privacy-invasive software.
Worms can be classified according to the propagation method they use,
i.e. how they deliver copies of themselves to new victim machines.
Worms can also be classified by installation method, launch method and finally according
to characteristics standard to all malware: polymorphism, stealth etc.

Many of the worms which managed to cause significant outbreaks use more then
one propagation method as well as more than one infection technique.
The methods are listed separately below.

RBot.GRU Symptoms:


Registry Values:

You must clean you computer ASAP !!!
Download Free Trial Version of antivirus software here, to check your computer instantly.

Also Be Aware of the Following Threats:
BookmarkExpress Adware Cleaner
DarkSky.Server Trojan Symptoms
Removing Frogs Trojan
TrojanDropper.Win32.Small.ab Trojan Removal

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