Wednesday, November 19, 2008

WinHound Ransomware

How To Remove WinHound?
You must download trial version of "Exterminate-It" antivirus software,to check your computer instantly.
WinHound is dangerous virus:
A cryptovirus, cryptotrojan or cryptoworm is a type of
malware that encrypts the data belonging to an individual on a computer,
demanding a ransom for its restoration.

The term ransomware is commonly used to describe software that encrypts the data
belonging to an individual on a computer, demanding a ransom for its restoration.
Although the field known as cryptovirology predates the term "ransomware".

WinHound Symptoms:

[%COMMON_PROGRAMS%]\WinHound spyware remover

Registry Keys:

You must clean you computer ASAP !!!
Download Free Trial Version of antivirus software here, to check your computer instantly.

Also Be Aware of the Following Threats:
CouponBar Toolbar Removal instruction
Removing ClickTheButton Adware
JamesBob Downloader Cleaner
Removing TrustedAntivirus or WinSpyControl or WinSecureAv Ransomware
Remove Adware.Borlan.dr Trojan

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