Saturday, January 31, 2009

PS.Rex Trojan

How To Remove PS.Rex?
You must download trial version of "Exterminate-It" antivirus software,to check your computer instantly.
PS.Rex is dangerous virus:
This category includes a variety of Trojans that damage victim machines or
threaten data integrity, or impair the functioning of the victim machine.
Backdoors are the most dangerous type of Trojans and the most popular.
Backdoors open infected machines to external control via Internet.
Often the backdoor will not be visible in the log of active programs.
This family of Trojans downloads and installs new malware or adware on the computer.
The downloader then either launches the new malware or registers it to enable autorun
according to the local operating system requirements.

The names and locations of malware to be downloaded are either coded into the
Trojan or downloaded from a specified website.
DoS programs attack web servers by sending numerous requests to the specified server,
often causing it to crash under an excessive volume of requests.

PS.Rex It also known as:

[Eset]Butt virus,modified Psmpc.Alien.571 virus,modified Psmpc.Alien.625 virus;
[Computer Associates]PS T-Rex,PS-MPC

PS.Rex Symptoms:

[%WINDOWS%]\downloaded program files\install.exe
[%WINDOWS%]\downloaded program files\install.exe

You must clean you computer ASAP !!!
Download Free Trial Version of antivirus software here, to check your computer instantly.

Also Be Aware of the Following Threats:
Lineage.AAL Trojan Cleaner
Removing Bancos.GPM Trojan
Removing ICQNewq3 Trojan
Pigeon.AVCL Trojan Symptoms
Removing Win32.TrojanDownloader.Small Trojan

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